With the gorgeous Alpine scenery, the Habsburg architecture, and its history of music (includingTheSound of Music!), Austria is a country that is easy to like. I visited the country twice before and was happy to return.

Salzburg has always been one of my favorite European cities, as it is small, clean, and many people enjoy music. This is because it is the former home of Mozart. I enjoyed drinking delicious wine from the region and strolling around the streets, listening to the music played through out the city, often by street musicians.

We had a lovely time in the World Heritage lake area near Halstatt. As this has been a popular place for travelers to stop for many years, we stayed in a campground that had gypsy/Roma caravans in which guests could sleep.

We of course had a nice time in Vienna, where we drank coffee at sidewalk cafes and were impressed with the mansions left by the Habsburg monarchy.